Church Center Q& A’s

Church Center is the mobile app we use at Cornerstone for giving, event registrations, ministry communication, podcast & our directory.

For those without a smart phone, Church Center can be accessed via web browser here:

How do I get the Church Center mobile app?

1.  Make sure your mobile number and email address are on file with the Church office.

2. Search for the “Center Center” app on the Google Play store for Android phones, or the App Store for iPhones.

3. Download and install the Church Center app on your phone.

What functionality is available in Church Center?

Currently we are utilizing the Giving, Events and Groups features of Church Center.

The Giving feature allows you to give your tithe and offerings through the app using your credit card or bank draft

The Events feature allows you to register and pay for church events such as Wednesday night dinners and more.

The Groups feature allows you to join small church groups, such as a Bible Study group or a ministry group.  Group leaders can then communicate with members easily through the app

The Directory feature is our virtual church directory

Whom do I contact with further questions?

Please contact the Church office with any questions or issues.